Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Quick & Easy Pudding Pops

I remember eating pudding pops as a kid and just loving them... I seem to have a problem finding the Jello brand anymore though. I figured it has to be pretty easy to make these, right? Make some jello and freeze it instead of putting it in the fridge.

You will need some sort of Popsicle molds for this venture. I bought mine a few years ago on Amazon but you can find them at Target or Walmart as well. I find with the brand I have that running a little bit of warm water over the bottom will ease the removal of the Popsicle from the mold.

Here's the basic info on how to make approximately 10 pops:

• 1 pkg chocolate pudding mix
• 2 cups cold milk (I used whole)
• Popsicle molds

Combine the pudding mix and milk in a large measuring cup, whisking until combined and there are no lumps. Make sure you do this quickly as the jello starts to thicken pretty fast. Once combined, pour into the molds. Put in freezer until fully set, at least overnight.

I used a 4 cup measuring cup to make this so it was easier to pour the mixture into each mold, otherwise you'll have a big mess on your hands. :-) I got the wooden Popsicle sticks at Walmart to use with my molds. Some molds come with plastic handles, etc as well.

They did come out on the thicker side, so next time I make these I might try using 1-2% milk to see if that makes a difference or not. They taste really good though!


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